Fire HDX

没天理啊:摔坏了Fire HDX,亚马逊美国免费给换新的,旧的自留

今天小编在豆x上逛,看到有位大哥买了个kindle dx,睡觉前放在床头,前天一脚给踹下去了。早上起来花屏,然后联系亚马逊美国客服,居然同意免费寄一个新过过来,旧的不用退回去!!!


买了个kindle dx,睡觉前放在床头,前天一脚给踹下去了。早上起来花屏,问了下是屏幕碎掉了。
一看邮件还有个mailing label,ups的,那多麻烦。于是我又去骚扰客服,说我不是美国的娃,是不是直接寄你们公司,不要用那啥mailing label了,她说去问问,回来就说,那你老的就留着吧~ 不过下不为例~ LoL~~~
注:这个mailing label是用来贴在退回的kindle用的,相当于一个退回单据吧,用来标识用户,退回原因???


先是人家给了个kindle replacement
05:46 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Got it, thanks. We're talking about Frederick's Kindle, right?
05:46 AM(GMT) Frederick: yep
05:47 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Thanks, Frederick.
To the best of your knowledge, was the Kindle dropped? Or was it exposed to any physical pressure or liquids?
05:47 AM(GMT) Frederick: I don't think so, though it maybe, slightly though.
05:48 AM(GMT) Frederick: i mean i just carry it in my bag everyday from workplace to my house
05:48 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): I understand. I'm really sorry about what happened with your Kindle. At this point, it would be best to request for a replacement Kindle for you. Would that work for you?
05:49 AM(GMT) Frederick: yes, it would
05:49 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Great. I just need to confirm few details here on your account for us to complete the replacement request. Would that be all right?
05:49 AM(GMT) Frederick: ok
05:49 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Thanks. A valid credit card is required for collateral since a replacement is being issued before returned items are received. We may authorize up to $1 to verify the selected card is valid.
05:50 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): As long as we receive your return of the original item within 30 days, your credit card won't be charged. You may use the last four digits and the expiration date to verify the card on the account.
05:51 AM(GMT) Frederick: i see
there's a valid credit card associated with my account
06:18 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Let me look into it real quick.
06:19 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Frederick, upon checking, the shipping and credit card are now associated. Let me go ahead and process a replacement for you.
06:19 AM(GMT) Frederick: cool
06:21 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): There you go I've successfully processed a replacement for you. The delivery date would be on Friday, January 17, 2014. I will also be sending you an email confirming this along with the order number and a prepaid return label link which your friend can use to send us back your defective device.
06:19 AM(GMT) Frederick: great
06:26 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Alright then. Everything is all set.
Thank you so much for giving us a chance to help you with your concern. Is there anything else that I can help you?
06:28 AM(GMT) Frederick: the return link is sent to my email right?
06:28 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Yes that's right.
06:28 AM(GMT) Frederick: what should i do with the link?
06:29 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Just ask your friend to print that out, attach it outside the box and then drop it off to any UPS store near her location. The label will only work within U.S.
06:30 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): Would there be anything else?
06:30 AM(GMT) Frederick: no, thanks a lot
06:30 AM(GMT) Jon(CSA): No problem. We look forward to seeing you again soon. To close this window, please click the "end chat" link.

06:36 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): Hello, Frederick.
06:36 AM(GMT) Frederick: hi
06:36 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): My name is Shanmuga. I'm with Kindle Support. I'll be happy to help you!

06:36 AM(GMT) Frederick: thanks
i only got a kindle and an adapter
can it be counted as a valid return?
06:37 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): Yes, Frederick.
06:38 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): You can just return the Kindle alone with any suitable box.
Don't worry, i will make a note in your account so that please you can just return the Kindle alone.
06:39 AM(GMT) Frederick: cool
06:39 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): Would be there anything else that I can assist you for today?

06:40 AM(GMT) Frederick: and since i'm not in the states, can i just mail the old kindle back?
instead of using the mailing label that you provided
06:41 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): Let me check this for you.
06:43 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'll just be a moment longer.
06:44 AM(GMT) Frederick: np
06:45 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): In this case I've made a note in your account so that no longer need to return your defective Kindle, Frederick.
06:46 AM(GMT) Frederick: oh, so i can just wait for the replacement and that's it?
06:46 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): Yes, Frederick.
06:47 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): Since I've made a note in your account you no need to return your defective Kindle as a one time exception.
06:47 AM(GMT) Frederick: great. thanks a lot~
06:48 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): I've also send you the confirmation email for your future reference, Frederick.
You're welcome! Is there anything else I can do for you today?

06:48 AM(GMT) Frederick: that'd be all, thanks
06:48 AM(GMT) Shanmuga(CSA): It has been my pleasure assisting you.
Thank you for contacting Kindle support. Good night!

06:49 AM(GMT) Frederick: good night





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